Sunday, January 20, 2008

A real prize...

I am a member of Blingo, which is basically a search engine that gives you an opportunity to win something with every search. In December, I won two different $5 Amazon gift certificates, and I had tucked them away for a rainy day.

Today, I was adding a new element to the sidebar of my blog, Dream a Little Dream. This is basically my wishlist...things that I would buy myself if I were using my credit cards right now and not being a good little budgeter. When I went over to Amazon to find out the real, true, full-length name of the next lens I hope to get for my new camera, I found that the nice people at Adobe had come out with a new version of Photoshop Elements, and the version on my wishlist, version 5, was on sale. The lowest price for a new copy was $25. When subtracting my $10 in winnings from Blingo, that meant I could get Photoshop Elements 5, which once retailed for $99 on Amazon, for $15. So I bought it! And the shipping was only $3.99! And I can't wait for it to get here so I can play with it!

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I love surprises like that!

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