Saturday, December 02, 2006

Bad, bad blogger...

Can I just share with all of you out in the Blogosphere that my last day of class for nursing school is December 7 and my last day of practicum is December 11? That means that in nine days, I will be, for the most part, done with nursing school. It is unbelievable to me that this day will soon unbelievable that I can't quite see the end yet. Check with me in nine days...maybe reality will have set in.

Moving on...

I am hopeful that one nursing school is over, I will be able to do the following things...
  • sleep better and longer
  • see my husband more
  • go to more of my stepsons' sporting events
  • read more books for fun
  • sleep better and longer
  • finish up several knitting projects
  • start new knitting projects
  • be a better blogger
  • be a better wife
  • sleep better and longer
  • organize my house
  • did I mention sleep better and longer?

Today was Day 6 of eight days of getting up at 5 AM. Getting up at 5 AM really bites the big one. No matter how often I do it, it doesn't get easier. Maybe working night shift will be worth the fact that I don't have to get up at 5 AM!

Last night, we had Bill's holiday party for work. We had a nice was a cocktail hour, followed by a light dinner, at a hotel near his office. It was nice to see some of his coworkers whose company I enjoy. Halfway through the cocktail hour, I got a text message from my sister, telling me that my house was situated in the midst of a tornado warning and they were advising people to take to their basements. Luckily, when I got home, my house had not been hit by a tornado, and Otto was just fine. However, as I was driving home, I noticed that the area looked a little dark. Sure enough...our power was out! I had no idea where our flashlights here, so I wandered around looking for them by the light of my cell phone. I also had to set my cell phone's alarm to make sure I got up in time for work this morning. Needless to say, I did NOT sleep well. I will be stopping at Wal-Mart for a better flashlight or two and also a travel alarm clock on the way home today. Word is that power outages happen a lot in our neck of the woods, and next time I want to be ready!

And now, here's to the end of this completely random stream-of-consciousness post!


Gunngirl said...

I'm happy that nursing school will be behind you, you have toiled long enough. In a health class I had a nurse came to talk to us and she really rang the bell for nursing. another lifetime for me.

Good luck! You deserve it. Think about how those 5am days will some day be a distant memory, it comes faster than you think.

Jen said...

Hooray! You are almost done. As for the 5am mornings, I don't feel too sorry for you as I get up at 4:30 every morning. And that isn't even that bad, I just really hate it when I have to go in early and have to get up at 1:30 to be there at 3am (doesn't happen too often, thankfully).

Congratulations on successfully making it to the end of the program!

NME said...

You must be so proud and so excited to be at the end of that road. Hooray for you.